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Explain how a chain of markets is formed. What purpose does it serve?

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i A chain of markets begins from wholesale markets to retail shop owners who sell directly to the consumers. In between wholesale markets and retailers there are medium and big traders. For example a hawker or retailer purchases plastic items from a wholesale-trader in the town. The town wholesaler in turn buys from a bigger wholesale trader in the city. The city wholesale trader buys a large quantity of plastic items directly from the factory and stores them in godowns. Thus a chain of market is formed. ii A chain of market serves the purpose of enabling producers and consumers. Neither can a producer sell a small quantity of goods to an individual consumer nor can an individual consumer buy large quantity of goods from producers. So wholesale traders retailers etc. are required to link the producers and consumers. Thereby forming a chain of markets. A chain of markets also ensures that employment is provided to people who participate in the chain.