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Using integration find the area of the region enclosed between the circles x2+y2=4 and x-22+y2=4

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The equations of the given curves arex2+y2=4                ..... iand x-22+y2=4             .....iiClearly x2 + y2 = 4 represents a circle with centre 0 0 and radius 2. Also x - 22 + y2 = 4 represents a circle with centre 2 0 and radius 2. To find the point of intersection of the given curves we solve i and ii. Simultaneously we find the two curves intersect at A1 √3 and D1 -√3. Since both the curves are symmetrical about x-axis So the required area = 2Area OABCO Now we slice the area OABCO into vertical strips. We observe that the vertical strips change their character at A1 √3. So Area OABCO = Area OACO + Area CABC.When area OACO is sliced in the vertical strips we find that each strip has its upper end on the circle x - 22 + y - 02 = 4 and the lower end on x-axis. So the approximating rectangle shown in figure has length = y1 width = Δx and area = y1 Δx.As it can move from x = 0 to x = 1Similarly approximating rectangle in the region CABC has length = y2 width = Δx and area = y2Δx.

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