Name bacterial product that is modified by genetic engineering and which is used as ‘clot bust’ for removing clots from the blood vessels of a patient who have undergone myocardial infection leading to heart attack
Tissue plasminogen activator streptokinase.
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___________produced by bacterium Streptococcus and modified by genetic engineering is used as a clot buster for removing clots from the blood vessels of patients who have undergone myocardial infarction leading to heart attack.
View Solution___________produced by bacterium Streptococcus and modified by genetic engineering is used as a clot buster for removing clots from the blood vessels of patients who have undergone myocardial infarction leading to heart attack.
View Solution___________produced by bacterium Streptococcus and modified by genetic engineering is used as a clot buster for removing clots from the blood vessels of patients who have undergone myocardial infarction leading to heart attack.
View SolutionWhich of the following enzyme is used as a "clot buster" for removing clots from the blood vessels of patient who have undergone myocardial infaction leading to heart attack ?
View Solution"Clot buster" is used for removing clots from blood vessels of patients who have undergone myocardial infraction leading to heart attack it is obtained from
View Solution______स्ट्रेप्टोकाकस बैक्टीरियम से उत्पन्न होता है और जेनेटिक अभियांत्रिकी द्वारा रूपान्तरित करके उन रोगियों की रक्त वाहिनियों से थक्का हटाने के लिये थक्का स्फोटन की तरह प्रयोग किया जाता है, जिनको मायोकार्डियल इन्फेक्शन होता है, जिससे हार्ट अटैक हो सकता है।
View SolutionGenetically engineered Streptococci are used as clot buster for removing clots from the blood vessels of patients who have undergone myocardial infarction.
View Solution__A__ enzyme is used to remove clots from the blood vessels of patients who have undergone __B__ leading to heart attack.
View Solution__A__ enzyme is used to remove clots from the blood vessels of patients who have undergone __B__ leading to heart attack.
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View Solutionनिम्नलिखित में से किसका उपयोग किसी मायोकार्डियल आघात से ग्रस्त रोगी की रुधिर नलिकाओं से रुधिर का थक्का हटाने हेतु 'क्लॉट बस्टर' के रूप में होता है?
View SolutionStreptokinase, a clot buster used to remove clots from blood vessels of patients of myocardial infarction is obtained from
View SolutionStreptokinase, a clot buster used to remove clots from blood vessels of patients of myocardial infraction is obtained from
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View SolutionStrptokinase, a clot buster used to remove clots from blood vessels of patients of myocardical infraction is obtained from
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View SolutionA patient has developed a clot in his heart. Which of these enzymes can be used to bust this clot ?
View SolutionStreptokinase is used for removing clots from blood vessels of patients who suffer from myocardinal infarction
View Solutionthe 'clot buster' for removing clots from the blood vessels of patients is mainly obtained from
View SolutionThe 'clot buster' produced by Streptococcus and modified by genetic engineering is:
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