PASSAGETodays developing economices use much less energy per capita than developed countries such as the United States did at similar incomes showing the potential for lowercarbon growth. Adaptation and mitigation need to be integrated into a climate-smart development strategy that increases resilience reduces the threat of further global warming and improves development outcomes. Adaptation and mitigation measures can advance development and prosperity can raise incomes and foster better institutions. A healthier population living in betterbuilt houses and with access to bank loans and social security is better equipped to deal with a changing climate and its consequences. Advancing robust resilient development policies that promote adaptation is needed today because changes in the climate already begun will increase even in the short term.The spread of economic prosperity has always been intertwined with adaptation to changing ecological conditions. But as growth has altered the environment and as environmental change has accelerated sustaining growth and adaptability demands greater capacity to understand our environment generate new adaptive technologies and practices and diffuse them widely. As economic historians have explained much of humankinds creative potential has been directed at adapting to the changing world. But adaptation cannot cope with all the impacts related to climate change especially as larger changes unfold in the long term.Countries cannot grow out of harms way fast enough to match the changing climate. And some growth strategies whether driven by the government or the market can also add to vulnerability — particularly if they overexploit natural resources. Under the Soviet development plan irrigated cotton cultivation expanded in water-stressed Central Asia and led to the near disappearance of the Aral Sea threatening the livelihoods of fishermen herders and farmers. And clearing mangroves — the natural coastal buffers against storm surges — to make way for intensive farming or housing development increases the physical vulnerability of coastal settlements whether in Guinea or in Louisiana.Which of the following conditions of growth can add to vulnerability? 1. When the growth occurs due to excessive exploitation of mineral resources and forests. 2. When the growth brings about a change in humankinds creative potential. 3. When the growth is envisaged only for providing houses and social security to the people. 4. When the growth occurs due to emphasis on farming only. Select the correct answer using the codes given below: a 1 only b 2 3 and 4 only c 1 and 4 only d 1 2 3 and 4
a Only 1 makes sense. According to the 3rd paragraph second line ‘And some growth ........................... natural resources.’ 2 3 & 4 are irrelevant statements.
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