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Explain the manor features of democratic governments.

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i Responsible government Democratic government is a responsible government. The representatives elected by the people on the basis of universal adult franchise remain responsible to the people and in case they do not remain responsible before the people the people can change them during the next elections. ii Possibility of good laws: In democratic government the representatives have direct relation which the people therefore they properly understand their problems and interests. They properly represent the interest of the people in assemblies and parliament and always try to get the good laws passed. iii Political education : The greatest merit of democracy is its educative value. Participation in elections and other political activities make the people intelligent and politically conscious. They become enlightened citizens. iv Based on liberty and fraternity : In democracy the rights and the liberty of the people are well safeguarded. People ware given freedom to express their views without any fear. They can criticise the wrong policies of the government. v Respect of the principle of equality : In democracy all are equal in the eyes of law and no discrimination ins done on the basis of birth race caste colour sex religion etc. All citizens get equal opportunities to participate in the affairs of the state. vi Government based on the will of the people : Democracy is based on the will of the people and it functions according to their consent. The Government cannot ignore the interest of the people.

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