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Explain the implications of the Competitive market:i Large number of buyers ii Freedom of entry and exit to firms.

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i Large number of buyers: Implies that number of buyers is large enough so that each individual buyers has a negligible share in market demand for the good. The implication is that no individual buyer is in a position to influence the market price on its own by changing his individual demand.ii Freedom of entry and exit to firms: Implies that there are no obstacles for the firms to move in and out of industry. The implication is that when existing firms ire making profits new firms enter raise the output of industry bring down the market price enough for the firm to earn just only normal profit in the long run. The opposite happens if the existing firms are facing losses.Detailed Answer:i Large number of buyers: Under perfect competition there are so many buyers and sellers that no individual buyer or seller can influence the price of the commodity in the market. Any change in the output supplied by a single firm will not affect the total output of the industry. No individual buyer can influence the price of the commodity by his decision to vary the amount that he would like to buy i.e. price of the commodity is given to the buyer. He is a price-taker having no bargaining power in the market.Implication: The perfectly competitive firm is then a price-taker and can sell any amount of the commodity at the established price. ii Freedom of entry and exit to firms: The industry is characterised by freedom of entry and exit of firms. In a perfectly competitive market there are no barriers to entry or exit of firms. Implication: The implication of this assumption is that given sufficient time all firms in the industry will be earning just normal profit. Suppose the existing firms are earning super normal profits. Attracted by the positive profits the new firms enter the industry. The industrys output i.e. market supply goes up. The price comes down. New firms continue to enter till economic profits are reduced to zero. Now suppose the existing firms are incurring losses. The firms start leaving the industry. The industrys output starts falling and price starts going up. All this continues till losses are wiped out. The remaining firms in the industry once again earn just the normal Profits.

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