Doubtnut Promotions Sticky


Explain the implications of the following in a Perfectly Competitive Market: i Large number of sellers ii Homogeneous products.

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i Large number of sellers means that number of firms are large enough so that contribution to total output of the industry by any individual firm in negligible. So no single firm is in a position to influence the market price on its own by changing its own output. Thus price remains unchanged.ii Homogeneous products means that buyers treat products of all the firms as same in all respect as homogeneous products. As such no firm can charge a higher price because no buyers is willing to pay the same. Then market price remains the same for all the firms.Detailed Answer: i Large number of sellers: The implication is that the proportion of total output produced by a single seller is so insignificant that the seller cannot influence the market price by his own actions by changing the quantity of output it produces. He has no option but to sell at the price determined at the industry level.ii Homogeneous products: In a perfectly competitive market buyers treat the product produced by different firms as homogenous. So they are willing to pay the same price for products of different firms. No firm therefore can charge a price higher than the market determined Price.

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