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Explain the implications of the following features of a Perfectly Competitive Market: i Perfect knowledge about the market of the goods ii Perfect knowledge about the inputs used in the production of the goods.

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i Perfect Knowledge about market means both buyers and sellers are fully informed about the market price. Therefore no firm is in a position to charge a different price and buyers will not pay a higher price. As a result a uniform price prevails in the market.ii Perfect knowledge about input used: Due to homogeneous products or identical in every respect substitutes of one another. As a result both buyers and sellers have perfect knowledge about the inputs used in production.Detailed Answer:i In a perfectly competitive market the number of buyers and sellers is very large and all the buyers and seller have perfect knowledge about the market. As a result no individual buyer or seller can influence the price in the market. ii Another important characteristic of perfect competition is that products are homogeneous and carry the same price. By implication this means the cost of the inputs used by the producers will be same. As a result of this all sellers have perfect knowledge about the inputs used in the production.

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