Doubtnut Promotions Sticky


A balloon is moving upwards with velocity 10 ms-1. It releases a stone which comes down to the ground in 11 s. The height of the balloon from the ground at the moment when the stone was dropped is :A 495 m B 592 m C 460 m D 500 m

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A balloon moving upwards with constant velocity 10m/s . if we release the stone from balloon then initial speed of stone = 10m/sec .now  initial speed = 10m/sec time = 11sec let H is the height of balloon when stone is dropped .use kinematics equation  S = Ut + 1/2at² -H = 10 × 11 - 1/2 × 10 × 11² = 110 - 5× 121 = 110 - 605 = -495 m - H = -495 mhence H = 495 m so height of balloon is 495m when stone is dropped .

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