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What are the main objectives of physical education?

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These are the main objectives of physical education:Physical development : Its main aim is physical development physical activities enhances the size shape and capability of different organs which is good for healthy body healthy citizen can only contribute in nation - building.Mental development : Physical activities makes the mind aware and helps in increasing concentration.  While playing many situations arise when player’s have to take independent decisions thus it relates to mental development.Social Development : Its aim is to develop social qualities in individual which is very important for making adjustment in life. Player get many opportunities to come near to each other which develop many qualities like unity friendship cooperation respect sportsmen spirit brotherhood  assurance etc.Emotional Development : One of its main aim is emotional development of individual different activities of physical education teach how to have control over impulse. One has to control different feelings in different situations like pleasure hope jealousy sorrow anger fear etc.Neuro-muscular Development : Physical activities develop coordination between nervous and muscular systems. A healthy nervous system keeps the unnecessary fatigue away. It reduces reaction time of the player and increases the speed. Thus the main aim of physical education is to develop co-ordination between them.