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Write a short note on the people’s movement of Hyderabad.

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Hyderabad was the largest princely state of India under the rule of Nizam. One of the world’s richest person. Nizam wanted Hyderabad to be an independent state. But the people of Hyderabad were not happy with the rule of Nizam due to his non-democratic practices. Hence various section of society agitated against him: 1. The peasants in Telangana region particularly rose voice against him. 2. Women also joined the movement in large number. 3. The communist and Hyderabad congress were in the forefront of movement. 4. Nizam responded by unbashing a Razakars paramilitary force on people. 5. Ultimately the central government had to order the army to tackle and in 1948 Indian army moved in control the Nizam’s forces. All the above mentioned situations led to an accession of Hyderabad.

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