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Explain cmpdict1 dict2 with example.

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Description The method cmp compares two dictionaries based on key and values. Syntax Following is the syntax for cmp method : cmpdict1 dict2Parametersdict1 – This is the first dictionary to be compared with dict2. dict2 – This is the second dictionary to be compared with dict1.Return value :This method returns 10 if both dictionaries are equal – 1 if dictl dict2. Example :The following example shows the usage of comp method. # !/user/bin/pythondict1 = {‘Name’ : ‘Zara’ ‘Age’ : 7}; dict2 = {‘Name1 : ‘Mahnaz’ ‘Age’ : 27}; dict3 = {‘Name’ : ‘Abid’ ‘Age’ : 27; dict4 = {‘Name’ : ‘Zara’ ‘Age’ : 7};print “Return Value : %d” % cmp dict1 dict2 print “Return Value : %d” % cmp dict2 dict3 print “Return Value : %d” % cmp dictl dict4Let us compile and run the above program this will produce the following result : Return Value : – 1 . Return Value : 1 Return Value : 0

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