Consider the following unsorted list Neena Meeta Geeta Reeta Seeta Sort the list using selection sort algorithm. Show the status of the list after every iteration.
def selection_sortDATA_LIST:for i in range0 len DATA_LIST:min = ifor j in rangei + 1 lenDATA_LIST:if DATA_LIST[j] < DATA_LIST[min]:min = j# swappingtemp= DATA_LIST[min]DATA_LIST[min] = DATA_LIST[i]DATA_LIST[i]=tempprint DATA_LISTNAME_LIST = [‘Neena’ ’Beeta’ ’Reeta’ ’Geeta’ ’Seeta’]print “LIST BEFORE SORTING” NAME_LISTselection_sortNAME_LISTLIST BEFORE SORTING [‘Neena’ ‘Beeta’ ‘Reeta’ ‘Geeta’ ‘Seeta’][‘Beeta’ ‘Neena’ ‘Reeta’ ‘Geeta’ ‘Seeta’]-Pass 1[‘Beeta’ ‘Geeta’ ‘Reeta’ ‘Neena’ ‘Seeta’]-Pass 2[‘Beeta’ ‘Geeta’ ‘Neena’ ‘Reeta’ ‘Seeta’]-Pass 3[‘Beeta’ ‘Geeta’ ‘Neena’ ‘Reeta’ ‘Seeta’]-Pass 4[‘Beeta’ ‘Geeta’ ‘Neena’ ‘Reeta’ ‘Seeta’]-Pass 5
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