
Write queries for i to iv and find outputs for SQL queries v to viii which are based on the tables.Table VEHICLEVCODEVEHICLETYPEPERKMV01VOLVO BUS150V02AC DELUXE125V03ORDINARY BUS80V05SUN30V04CAR18Table: TRAVELCNOCNAMETRAVELDATEKMVCODENOP101K. Niwal2015-12-13200V0132103Fredrick Sym2016-03-21120V0345105Hitesh Jain2016-04-23450V0242102Ravi Anish2016-01-1380V0240107John Malina2015-02-1065V042104Sahanubhuti2016-01-2890V054106Ramesh Jaya2016-04-06100V0125Note:PERKS is Freight Charges per kilometer.Km is kilometers TravelledNOP is number of passangers travelled in vechicle.1. To display CNO CNAME TRAVELDATE from the table TRAVEL in descending order of CNO.2. To display the CNAME of all customers from the table TRAVEL who are travelling by vechicle with code Vo1 or Vo23. To display the CNO and CNAME of those customers from the table TRAVEL who travelled between ‘2015-1231’ and ‘2015-05-01’.4. To display all the details from table TRAVEL for the customers who have travel distacne more than 120 KM in ascending order of NOE5. SELECT COUNT * VCODE FROM TRAVEL GROUP BY VCODE HAVING COUNT * > 1;6. SELECT DISTINCT VCODE FROM TRAVEL :7. SELECT A.VCODE CNAME VEHICLETYPE FROM TRAVEL A VEHICLE B WHERE A. VCODE = B. VCODE and KM < 90;8. SELECT CNAME KM*PERKM FROM TRAVEL A VEHICLE B WHERE A.VCODE = B.VCODE AND A. VCODE ‘V05’;

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