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p-Block elements form acidic basic and amphoteric oxides. Explain each property by giving two examples and also write the reactions of these oxides with water.

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In p-block when we move from left to right in a period the acidic character of the oxides increases due to increase in electronegativity. For example   In 2nd period B203 < C02 < N203 acidic nature increases. In 3rd period A1203 < Si02 < P4O10 < S03 < Cl207 acidic character increases. On moving down the group acidic character decreases and basic character increases e.g. Among the oxides of same element higher the oxidation state of the element stronger is the acid. For example S03 is a stronger acid than S02. B203 is weakly acidic and on dissolution in water it forms orthoboric acid. Orthoboric acid does not act as a protonic acid it does not ionise but acts as a weak Lewis acid.

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