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Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions: The conflict of 1962 in which India suffered military reverses had long-term implications for India-China relations. Diplomatic relations between the two countries were downgraded until 1976. There after relltions between the two countries began to improve slowly. After the change in China’s political leadership from the mid to late 1970s China’s policy became more pragmatic and less ideological. So it was prepared to put off the settlement of contentious issues while improving relations with India. A series of talks to resolve the border issue were also initiated in 1981.1. Why did India suffer military reverses as a result of conflict of 1962? 2. When did the relations between India and China begin to improve? 3. What was the change in the policy of China in the seventies? 4. Which efforts were made to resolve the border issues between India and China?

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