Two concentric coils X and Y of radii 16 cm and 10 cm lie in the same vertical plane containing N-S direction. X has 20 turns and carries 16 A. Y has 25 turns & carries 18 A. X has current in anticlockwise direction and Y has current in clockwise direction for an observer looking at the coils facing the west. The magnitude of net magnetic field at their common center is
Magnitude of magnetic field at the centre
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Two concentric circular coils X and Y of radii 16 cm and 10 cm, respectively, lie in the same vertical plane containing the north to south direction. Coil X has 20 turns and carries a current of 16 A, coil Y has 25 turns and carries a current of 18 A. The sense of the current in X is anticlockwise, and clockwise in Y, for an observer looking at the coils facing west. Give the magnitude and direction of the net magnetic field due to the coils at their centre.
View SolutionTwo concentric circular coils X and Y of radii 16 cm and 10 cm, respectively, lie in the same vertical plane containing the north to south direction. Coil X has 20 turns and carries a current of 16 A, coil Y has 25 turns and carries a current of 18 A. The sense of the current in X is anticlockwise, and clockwise in Y, for an observer looking at the coils facing west. Give the magnitude and direction of the net magnetic field due to the coils at their centre.
View SolutionTwo concentric circular coils X and Y of radii 16 cm and 10 cm, respectively, lie in the same vertical plane containing the north to south direction. Coil X has 20 turns and carries a current of 16 A, coil Y has 25 turns and carries a current of 18 A. The sense of the current in X is anticlockwise, and clockwise in Y, for an observer looking at the coils facing west. Give the magnitude and direction of the net magnetic field due to the coils at their centre.
View SolutionTwo concentric circular coils X and Y of radii 16 cm and 10 cm, respectively, lie in the same vertical plane containing the north to south direction. Coil X has 20 turns and carries a current of 16 A, coil Y has 25 turns and carries a current of 18 A. The sense of the current in X is anticlockwise, and clockwise in Y, for an observer looking at the coils facing west. Give the magnitude and direction of the net magnetic field due to the coils at their centre.
View SolutionTwo concentric circular coils X and Y of radii 16 cm and 10 cm , respectively, lie in the same vertical plane conatining the north to south direction. Coil X has 20 turns and carries a current of 16 A, coil Y has 25 turns and carries a current of 18 A . The sense of the current in X is anticlockwise, and clockwise in Y, for an observe looking at the coils facing west. Give the magnitude and direction of the net magnetic field due to the coils at their centre.
View SolutionTwo concentric circular coils X and Y of radii 16 cm and 10 cm respectively, lie in the same vertical plane containing the north to south direction. Coil X has 20 turns and carries a current of 16A, coil Y has 25 turns and carries a current of 18A. The direction of the current in X is anticlockwise and is clockwise in Y, for an observer looking at the coils facing west. Give the magnitude and direction of the net magnetic field due to the coils at their centre.
View SolutionTwo Concentric circular coils X and Y of radii 16 cm and 10cm lie in the same vertical plane containing N-S direction X has 20 turns and carries 16A .Y has 25 turns & carries 18 A.X has current in anticlockwise direction and Y has current in clockwise direction for the observer, looking at the coils facing the west. The magnitude of net magnetic field at their common center is?
View SolutionTwo concentric circular coils X and Y of radii 16 cm and 10 cm, respectively, lie in the same vertical plane containing the north to south direction. Coil X has 20 turns and carries a current of 16A, coil Y has 25 turns and carries a current of 18 A. The sense of the current in X in antoclockwise, and clockwise in Y, for an observer looking at hte coils facing west. Give the magnitude and direction of the net magnetic field due to the coils at their centre.
View SolutionTwo concentric circular coils x and y of radius 16 cm and 10 cm respectively, lie in the same vertical plane containing the north to south direction coil x has 20 turns and carries current of 16A coil y has 25 turns and carries a current of 18A! The sense of the current in x is anticlockwise and clockwise in y for an observe looking at the coils facing west. Give The magnitude and direction of net magnetic field due to the coils at the centre.
View SolutionTwo connectric coils X and y of radii 16 cm and 10cm lie in the same vertical plane containing N-S direction X has 20 turns and carries 16A .Y has 25 truns & carries 18 A.X has current in acnticlockwise direction and Y has current in clockwise direction for the observer, looking at the coils facing the west. The magnitude of net magnetic field at their common centre is .
View Solutionदो समकेंद्रिक वृत्ताकार कुंडलियाँ X और Y जिनकी त्रिज्याएँ क्रमशः 16 सेमी एवं 10 सेमी है, उत्तर-दक्षिण दिशा में समान ऊर्ध्वाधर तल में अवस्थित है। कुंडली X में 20 फेरे है और इसमें 16 ऐम्पियर विघुत धारा प्रवाहित हो रही है, कुंडली Y में 25 फेरे है और इसमें 18 ऐम्पियर विघुत धारा प्रवाहित हो रही है। पश्चिम की ओर मुख करके खड़ा एक प्रेक्षक देखता है कि X में धारा परवाह वामावर्त है जबकि Y में दक्षिणावर्त है। कुंडलियों के केंद्र पर, उनमे प्रवाहित विघुत धाराओं के कारण उतपन्न कुल चुंबकीय क्षेत्र का परिमाण एवं दिशा ज्ञात कीजिए।
View SolutionTwo concentric circular coils X and Y of radii 16cm and 10cm respectively, lie on the same vertical plane containing the north to south direction. Coil X has 20 turns and carries a current of 16A, coil Y has 25 turns and carries a current of 18A. The sense of the current in X is anticlockwise and clockwise in Y, for an observer looking at the coils facing west. Give the magnitude and direction of the net magnetic field due to the coils at their centre
View SolutionTwo concentric coil X and Y of radii 16cm and 10cm respectively lie in the same vertical plane containing the north-south direction. Coil X has 20 turns and carries a current of 16A, coil Y has 25 turns and carries a current of 18A. The sense of current in X is anti-clockwise and in Y, clockwise, for an observer looking at the coil facing west, Figure. Give the magnitude and direction of the net magnetic field due to the coils at their centre.
View Solutionदो संकेन्द्रिक वृत्तकर कुंडलियां X और Y जिनकी त्रिज्याएँ क्रमशः 16 cm एवं 10 cm हैं, उत्तर-दक्षिण दिशा में सामान उर्ध्वाधर तल में अवस्थित हैं। कुंडली X में 20 फेरे हैं और इसमें 16 A विद्युत धारा प्रवाहित हो रही हैं, कुंडली Y में 25 फेरे हैं और इसमें 18 A विद्युत धारा प्रवाहित हो रही हैं। पश्चिम कि ओर मुख करके खड़ा एक प्रेक्षक देखता हैं कि X में धारा प्रवाह वामावर्त हैं जबकि Y में दक्षिणावर्त हैं। कुंडलियों कि केंद्र पर, उनमे प्रवाहित विद्युत धाराओं के कारण उत्पन्न कुल चुम्कीय क्षेत्र का परिमाण एवं दिशा ज्ञात कीजिये।
View SolutionTwo concentric circular coild X and Y or radii 16 cm and 10 cm, respectively, lie in the same vertical plane oriented along the north to south direction. Coil X has 20 turns and carris a current of 18A. The sense of the current in X is anticlockwise and in Y is clockwise, for an observer looking at the coils facing west. Give the magnitude and direction of the net magnetic field due to the coils at their centre.
View Solutionदो संकेन्द्रीय वृत्तीय कुण्डलियाँ X एवं Y जिनकी त्रिज्याएँ 16 सेमी एवं 10 सेमी हैं, एक ही सतह में स्थित हैं, जिसमें उत्तरी एवं दक्षिणी दिशा निहित हैं। कुण्डली X में 20 फेरे हैं तथा कुण्डली Y में 25 फेरे हैं। कुण्डली X में 16 ऐम्पियर की धारा प्रवाहित हो रही है तथा कुण्डली Y में 18 ऐम्पियर की धारा । प्रवाहित हो रही है। X में धारा वामावर्त एवं Y में दक्षिणावर्त दिशा में है। एक प्रेक्षक के लिए, जोकि पश्चिम की ओर होकर कुण्डली को देख रहा है, कुण्डलन व्यवस्था के केन्द्र पर चुम्बकीय क्षेत्र होगा
View Solutionदो संकेन्द्रिक वृत्ताकार कुण्डलियाँ X और Y जिनकी त्रिज्याएँ क्रमशः 16 सेमी एवं 10 सेमी है उत्तर - दक्षिण दिशा में समान ऊर्ध्वाधर तल में स्थित है कुंडली X में 20 फेरे है और इसमें 16A विधुत इसमें विधुत धारा प्रवाहित हो रही है,
कुंडली Y में 25 फेरे है और इसमें 18A विधुत धारा प्रवाहित हो रही है । पश्चिम की ओर मुख करके खड़ा एक प्रेक्षक देखता है कि X में धारा प्रवाह वामावर्त है जबकि Y में दक्षिणावर्त है कुंडलियों के केंद्र पर, उसमे प्रवाहित विधुत धाराओं के कारण उत्पन्न कुल चुंबकीय क्षेत्र का परिमाण एवं दिशा ज्ञात कीजिए ।
View SolutionThe radii of two concentric circular coils X and Y are 16 cm and 10 cm respectively, which lie in the same vertical plane from north to south. Coil X has 20 loops and the current passing through it is 16 A, while coil Y has 25 loops and 18 A current passes through it. From the point of view of the observer standing facing west, the current passing through X is in an odd clockwise direction and Y is in an equilateral direction. Find the value and direction of the resulting (net) magnetic field arising near their center with these coils.
View SolutionTwo concentric rings X and Y having radii of 16 cm and 10 cm are placed in the same vertical plane in the NS direction. is. X has 20 rounds and 16A currents and Y has 25 rounds and 18A currents. According to the observer looking at the rings to the west, the current in X is counterclockwise and in Y the direction is clockwise, the total at the common center. The magnitude of the magnetic field will be.
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