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Given below is a diagram of a human blood smear. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow:i Name the components numbered 1 to 4.ii Mention two structural differences between the parts 1 and 2.iii Name the soluble protein found in part 4which forms insoluble threads during clotting of blood.iv What is the average lifespan of the component numbered 1 ?v Component numbered 1 do not have certain organelles but are very efficient in their function.

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i 1. RBC2. Neutrophil3. Blood platelets4. Blood plasma  RBC  Neutrophil           1. Biconcave disc shaped 1. Amoeboid 2. Do not have nucleas 2. Have 3-5 lobbed nucleas.iii Fibrinogeniv 120 daysv RBCs do not have nucleas endoplasmic reticulumand mitochondria. They are very efficient in carrying nutrients like glucose which they cannot use due to lack of mitochondria can easily pass through the capillaries lack of endoplasmic reticulum - endoskeleton

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