Look at the words given in the box below. snigger wriggle sneak squeak squawk titter pant chuckle giggle jeer chortle guffaw sigh sidle boo shriek scramble croak straggle plod gaspNow classify them according to their closeness in meaning to the words given below A B C D E snigger wriggle squeak jeer sigh
giggle boo plod sniggerwrigglesqueakjeersightitter chortle chuckle guffawsneak straggle scramble sidleshriek squawk croak gasp pant
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View Solutionफसल-उत्पादन और उसके प्रबंधन से संबंधित उल्टे-पुल्टे शब्दों को ठीक करके उन्हें नीचे दिए गए बॉक्सों में लिखिए|
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