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The author is a humorist -How does the story reflect his sense of humour?

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The author is a humorist. Humour is a device which is employed to evoke laughter. The author has very deftly employed this device in the story The Luncheon from the beginning to the end. In the beginning of the story the author brings out a humorous situation when he was tactfully suggested by a lady to offer her a little luncheon at a highly expensive restaurant Foyot .Given the economic condition of the author at that time visiting Foyot was beyond his budget line. Driven by flattery the author made all possible calculations and decided to go along with the lady to Foyot only to experience some embarrassing moments. This embarrassing moments are very humorous to the readers. The author was taken aback at the very beginning after visiting the restaurant when the lady in the name of little luncheon ordered for salmon then caviare and champagne and asparagus. These situations are humorous and testify to the sense of humour of the author. The way he avoided placing orders for himself in order not to reveal his budget line is also very humorous. The way he describes the lady in the beginning as a woman of forty who was imposing rather than attractive is humorous. At the end when the lady recommended the author to follow her example of having a so-called little luncheon the author humorously replied that he would do better than that by eating nothing for the night that day. Thus the story unfolds the authors sense of humour from the beginning to the end. Every situation depicted in the story amply expresses his sense of humour.

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