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With reference to the organs of the UN discuss:a Any three functions of the Economic and Social Council ECOSOCb The composition and functions of the International Court of Justicec Any four significant achievements of the UN

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a Functions of the ECOSOC:1. To promote economic growth and social progress z’z To create a spirit of respect for human rights2. To solve problems related to health illiteracy drugs employment a status of women etc. 3. To supervise the work of various specialized agencies such as the World Health Organization WHO United 4. Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO United Nations Children’s Fund UNICEF International Labour Organization ILO Food and Agricultural Organization FAO etc. b The International Court of Justice ICJ consists of 15 judges from different countries elected by the General Assembly and the Security Council. Each judge has a 9- year term. Two judges cannot be from the same country. Functions of International Court of Justice: 1. To settle disputes brought to it by member nations. 2. To give legal advice to the other organs of the UN on request. c. Achievement of the UN 1. Although it has not been able to prevent war in many cases it has taken effective action to restore peace e.g. the Korean War the Suez Canal crisis the Gulf War etc. 2. Many countries like Indonesia Algeria Morocco have achieved their independence with support from the UN. 3. By imposing economic sanctions against the South African government it played a significant role in challenging the apartheid policy and liberating the South African people from apartheid rule. 4. It has worked consistently for the protection and preservation of human rights around the world. 5. It has worked actively to end the nuclear arms race and encouraged the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. 6. It has achieved great success in the fields of labor health the welfare of children and education by fighting poverty ignorance malnutrition hunger and disease through its specialized agencies.

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