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FILL IN THE BLANKS1......................means ‘maker of water’ in Greek.2. In nature hydrogen occurs as a..............molecule represented as H2.3. Sodium liberates hydrogen when treated with cold.............. 4. .................zinc is preferred over pure zinc in the laboratory preparation of hydrogen.5. The compounds of carbon and hydrogen are called................ 6. Hydrogen is present abundantly in the................ 7. In electrolysis of water dilute sulphuric acid is added to increase..................... of water.8. Ammonia is used to make.............

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1. Hydrogen means ‘maker of water’ in Greek.2. In nature hydrogen occurs as a diatomic molecule represented as H2.3. Sodium liberates hydrogen when treated with cold water.4. Granulated zinc is preferred over pure zinc in the laboratory preparation of hydrogen.5. The compounds of carbon and hydrogen are called hydrocarbons.6. Hydrogen is present abundantly in the atmosphere.7. In electrolysis of water dilute sulphuric acid is added to increase conductivity current of water.8. Ammonia is used to make fertilizers.

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