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Why did Aurangzeb’s Deccan campaign against the Marathas prove to be a ruinous misadventure? What were the long-term consequences of this campaign?

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The Deccan campaign proved to be a ruinous misadventure that showed lack of political wisdom. Suspicious by nature he did not trust his sons and nobles. His officials were like puppets on strings. Aurangzeb’s supervision of every department often bordered on interference. His policy of discrimination between his subjects on grounds of faith also made him unpopular. He was a man of unshakeable convictions and tried very hard to reach his goals by doing what he thought was right. As he lay on his deathbed he wrote several letters to his son. In one letter he wrote ‘I know not who I am or why I came into the world … I have not done well for the country or its people . . . I know what punishment will be in store for me to suffer.’ During the first half of the 19th century ce the great Mughal empire decayed and disintegrated. The Mughal emperors lost their power and glory and their vast empire finally shrank to a few square miles around Delhi.

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