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Mohan while sitting one day thought that there are certain materials that absorbs photons of shorter wavelength and emit photons of longer wavelength. Further he thought that will there be any stable substances that absorb photons of larger wavelength and emit light of shorter wavelength. While thinking all he got puzzled and could not find any answer. Next day Mohan requested his friend Sohan to explain all this. His friend Sohan told that energy given out is less as compared to supplied energy and the material further needs to supply energy since emitted photon carry extra energy that is not for stable substances.a What values do you notice in Sohan ?b Consider a metal exposed to light of wavelength 600 nm. The maximum energy of the electron doubles when light of wavelength 400 nm is used. Find the work function in eV.

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a The values noticed in Sohan are :i high degree of general awareness ii concern for his friend andiii helping and caring nature.

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