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In Davisson and Germer experiment state the observations which led to a show the wave nature of electrons and b confirm the de Broglie relation.

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a Davisson and Germer experiment showing the wave nature of electrons :The experimental curves obtained by Davisson and Germer are as shown in figure.From these experimental curves the following inferences can be drawn :i The intensity of scattered electronsdepends upon the angle of scattering ϕ.ii Always a bump or a kink occurs in curve at ϕ = 50° the angle which the scattered beam makes with the incident beam.iiiThe size of the bump goes on increasing as the accelerating voltage is increased.iv The size of the bump becomes maximum when accelerating voltage is 54 volt.v The size of the bump starts decreasing with further increase in the accelerating voltage.However according to classical physics there should be very little variation in the intensity of electron beam with the angle of scattering voltages. The appearance of bump in a particular direction is due to constructive interference of electrons scattered from different layers of regularly spaced atoms of the crystal. This establishes the wave nature of lightb Confirmation of de Broglie Relation : The selective reflection of the 54 volt electrons at an angle of 50° between the incident and the scattered beam can be termed as the diffraction of electrons from the regularly spaced electrons of nickel crystal by virtue of their wave nature. We have According to Braggs law for first order diffraction maximum n = 1 we haveFor nickel crystal the distance between atomic planes d = 0.91 ÅNow wave nature of electrons and hence de Broglie hypothesis will be confirmed if de Broglie wavelength of electrons when accelerated through 54 V comes out to be 1.65 Å.Put V= 54 volt in equation As both results are in remarkable agreement the experiment establishes the de Broglie relation.

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