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Shivam had knowledge that energy and momentum of an electron are related to frequency and wavelength of the associated matter de-Broglie wave by the relations E = hv p = h/λ  . But when he heard from his friend that value of λ is physically significant but the value of frequency v has no physical significance. Shivam requested Shubham to explain such thing clearly. Shubham said to him that according to de Broglie a particle behaves as a wave but it is now established that a particle cannot be equivalent to a single wave but it is equivalent to a group of waves or a wave packet. As = h/λ    so in the discussion of matter waves a wave packet is significant and hence only wavelength  λ is significant. As a single wave is insignificant so phase velocity velocity of a single wave V = vλ is insignificant and thus frequency v is also insignificant.a What are the values shown by Shubham ? b Calculate the i momentum and ii de Broglie wavelength of the electrons accelerated through a potential difference of 56 V

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a The values shown by Shubham are :i high degree of general awareness/ii high order of thinking skills iii concern for his friend andiv helping and caring nature.

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