There is a garbage bin installed near your school gate where children and other staff of the school throw waste food tetra pack plastic waste paper empty mineral water bottle etc. The bin is cleared by municipality everyday which they dump in a landfill area. i Can you suggest any improvement in this waste disposal system of your school ? ii What action will you take in your school to conserve energy ? iii Give an idea which can discourage travelling of students by personal car.
i There should be a different coloured garbage bins so that biodegradable waste and recyclable waste can be disposed separately. ii To conserve energy in school one should make way for natural sunlight in the classrooms as much as possible to reduce consumption of electricity.iii Cars carrying only one child should not be allowed to come near the school gate. Only school buses bicycles and cars carrying three or more children should be allowed to come near the gate
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There is a garbage bin installed near your house. People throw was materials in this bin. You observe that most of these wastes are made of plastic such as plastic bags, plastic containers. bottles, etc. In school, you have learned about '3 R mantra’ and how various wastes especially plastic create environmental problems.
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There is a garbage bin installed near your house. People throw was materials in this bin. You observe that most of these wastes are made of plastic such as plastic bags, plastic containers. bottles, etc. In school, you have learned about '3 R mantra’ and how various wastes especially plastic create environmental problems.
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There is a garbage bin installed near your house. People throw was materials in this bin. You observe that most of these wastes are made of plastic such as plastic bags, plastic containers. bottles, etc. In school, you have learned about '3 R mantra’ and how various wastes especially plastic create environmental problems.
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There is a garbage bin installed near your house. People throw was materials in this bin. You observe that most of these wastes are made of plastic such as plastic bags, plastic containers. bottles, etc. In school, you have learned about '3 R mantra’ and how various wastes especially plastic create environmental problems.
Write the harmful effects of using plastic bags on the environment.
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There is a garbage bin installed near your house. People throw was materials in this bin. You observe that most of these wastes are made of plastic such as plastic bags, plastic containers. bottles, etc. In school, you have learned about '3 R mantra’ and how various wastes especially plastic create environmental problems.
Is plastic biodegradable?
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View SolutionWaste Disposal and Waste Management poses a major problemin present times. Generation of garbage and its disposal is a major threat and consequently leads to servers environmental isssue. The problem is not with biogradable and recycled wastes. We realies that the need is to reduce non-biogradable wastes. (a) Why is there a great concern of managing non-biodegrable waste in comparison to biodegradable waste ? Explain. (b) As a member of eco club of your school, suggest any two ways that you will discuss with your fellow members to organise for a ''Zero garbage day'' once in a month in the school.
View SolutionWaste Disposal and Waste Management poses a major problemin present times. Generation of garbage and its disposal is a major threat and consequently leads to servers environmental isssue. The problem is not with biogradable and recycled wastes. We realies that the need is to reduce non-biogradable wastes. (a) Why is there a great concern of managing non-biodegrable waste in comparison to biodegradable waste ? Explain. (b) As a member of eco club of your school, suggest any two ways that you will discuss with your fellow members to organise for a ''Zero garbage day'' once in a month in the school.
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View Solutionआप अपने घर, विद्यालय या अपने अन्य स्थानों के भ्रमण के दौरान जो अपशिष्ट उत्पन्न करते है , उनकी सूची बनाए । क्या आप उन्हें आसानी से कम कर सकते है ? कौन से ऐसे अपशिष्ट है जिनको कम करना कठिन या असंभव होगा ?
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