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Which group of animals belong to the same phylum? a Malarial parasite Amoeba mosquito b Earthworm pinworm tapeworm c Prawn scorpion Locusta d Sponge sea anemone starfish

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Correct option  c Prawn scorpion LocustaExplanation:Prawn Scorpion Locusta belong to phylum- Arthropoda therefore it is correct. Others can be corrected as Malarial parasite Plasmodium vivax and Amoeba belong to phylum-Protozoa.Mosquito-Phylum -ArthropodaEarthworm - Phylum -AnnelidaPinworm and Tapeworm -Phylum- AschelminthesSponge-Phylum-Porifera Sea anemone -Phylum - CoelenterataStarflsh - Phylum-Echinodermata

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