Explain in detail the role of individual in prevention of sports related accidents injury.
An individual plays an important role to avoid any kinds of accidents and sports-related injuries. The reasons of injury can be error in sports training improper sports equipment climatic conditions poor coaching previous injury lack of fitness components anatomical abnormalities and inappropriate clothing and footwear. These are the basic reasons responsible for risk of accidents during sports participation. It is essential to prepare ourselves properly for sports activities. The following points should be kept in mind to reduce or prevent sports related accidents.a Health and fitness: If you maintain your health and fitness level throughout your life you are less likely to get injury. Proper medical checkup on routine basis before participating in any activity is essential. b Proper training and coaching: It is responsible for reducing major accidents. A physical educator is responsible for structure and administration of physical training programme and athletes conduct on the playing field. He must have knowledge of sports psychology. safety and first aid training. c Protective equipment: It is essential to make sure that protective equipment is used while participating in sports activities during practice as well as during competitions. Sports equipment protects a sportsperson allows freedom of movement and is safe and comfortable. Never play or enter the field without proper protective gear to avoid any accident in the field. Always check the equipment before use. d Environmental conditions: An individual should be aware of environment around him. While participating in sports in hot and humid or cold and wet conditions he can suffer a variety of accidents and injuries. It may ire due to overheating or overcooling. Extreme heat may cause dehydration heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Practice should be held early in the morning or late in the afternoon to avoid any complicated situation. e Avoid playing when tired: Limit your workout and practice to maximum two hours. Athletes must be aware of onset of fatigue as it dulls the senses muscles and points and chances of injury are more. Therefore adequate rest between sessions is necessary to prevent an injury. f Obey the rules and regulations: We must know and understand the rules four game or sport. Rules must be followed strictly to avoid accidents and if any participant breaks the rule he should be punished. Coach is responsible for making the athlete aware of all the rules and regulations of games and sports. g Warm-up and limbering down: Warm-up allows the body to adapt gradually to the oncoming activity. Proper warm-up is essential to prevent muscle pull stress aches pain before you involve yourself in major games and sports. Likewise limbering down is also important to prevent soreness muscle cramps body pain as it relaxes our muscles after vigrous workout. h Proper clothing and footwear: At the time of training and competition the athletes must be in proper clothing as per the requirement of the games sport. The correct footwear is critical to sports. A pair of tennis sneakers is not appropriate for the vertical forces in running therefore footwear must be worn according to game/sport you are involved in. Always prefer light shoes. i Previous injury: An athletes return to premature practice after injury increases the risk of re-injury. One must r.rot engage in physical exertion until there is optimum healing free from all pain has regained normal strength and functional ability. So avoid premature return to activity to reduce further injury.
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