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Explain the role of Subhash Chandra Bose in Indias freedom struggle.

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Role of Subhash Chandra Bose in India’s freedom struggle: i He formed the INA which incited the armed forces to revolt against the British Raj. ii Subhash represented the young and extremist elements in the Congress. He was elected as the President of the Congress in 1938 and again in 1939. He could not make any compromise with Gandhi and thus resigned his Presidentship and organized the famous Forward Bloc. iii He succeeded in freeing Sikkim from British clutches in 1944 itself and also Andaman and Nicobar Islands. iv The organisation of the Azad Hind Fauj Indian National Army is a milestone in the history of the Indian struggle for freedom; the formation of which was the brain child of Subhash Chandra Bose.                                                ORAt various stages of the national movement Subhash Chandra Bose expressed his difference of opinion over Gandhian ideas of struggle. Quitting the Congress he formed a political party called Forward Bloc. He took the charge of the Indian National Army INA formed by Rash Bihari Bose to attain freedom for India. He formed a provisional government for free India in Singapore with the aim of forcing British to quit India. The Indian National Army had a women wing called the Jhansi Regiment. Captain Lakshmi a Keralite was in charge of this regiment. With the support of the Japanese Army the Indian National Army marched to the east west border of India and hoisted the Indian flag in Imphal.

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