
Explain the different types of fixed shop small retailers.

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a General stores.b Speciality shops.c Street Stall holders.d Second hand goods shops.Detailed Answer : Different types of small fixed shop retailers are as follows : a General Stores : These stores deal in large variety of products required to satisfy day-to-day requirements of the customers. These are found in a local markets and residential areas. These stores remain open for long hours and provide convenience to the consumers to buy goods of daily use such as stationery items grocery items toiletries biscuits etc. They also provide credit facility to their regular customers. b Speciality shops : These shops deal in specific line of products like shoes toys gifts childrens garments electronic goods etc. Such shops are becoming very common particularly in urban areas. In order to attract large number of customers these shops are centrally located. c Street stall holders : These are small retailers generally found at places having heavy flow of population such as street crossings main roads etc. They deal in low quality goods like toys hosiery products etc. Very limited area is covered by their shops so that they carry business operations on a very limited space. d Second-hand goods shop : These retail shops deal in second-hand or used goods like automobiles furniture books etc. They cater to the needs of people having limited means. The price of the goods sold by them is generally low. Sometimes these shops deal in antiques items or goods having historical value. In such a case they charge high price from customers having special interest in such goods. e Single line stores : These stores deal in single product line such as watches shoes tyres ready-made garments books etc. These stores are centrally located and keep wide variety of items of the same line.

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