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Explain the following with suitable exampleI. ParamagnetismII. FerrimagnetismIII. Antiferromagnetism

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I. ParamagnetismThe substances that are attracted by a magnetic field are called paramagnetic substances. Due to one or more unpaired electrons substances get magnetized in a magnetic field in the same direction but lose magnetism when the magnetic field is removed.Some examples of paramagnetic substances are O2 Cu2+ Fe3+ and Cr3+II. FerrimagnetismThe substances in which the magnetic moments of the domains are aligned in parallel and anti-parallel directions in unequal numbers are said to have ferromagnetism.Examples include Fe3O4 magnetite ferrites such as MgFe2O4 and ZnFe2O4.Schematic alignment of magnetic moments in ferrimagnetic substancesiii AntiferromagnetismAntiferromagnetic substances have domain structures similar to ferromagnetic substances but are oppositely-oriented. The oppositely-oriented domains cancel out each other’s magnetic moments.Example - MnO

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