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Industrialization gave birth to Imperialism. Justify the statement with five arguments.

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Industrialization gave birth to Imperialismi Imperialism as the ill-begotten child of industrialization.ii Other things besides industrialization chiefly needed two things. one of them being the constant supply of raw materials and the Other is that the finished goods be sold at the same speed.iii The industrialized countries had introduced heavy import duties as protective tariffs to check the import from other countries.iv Faced with the problem of finding new markest for their producer nations chose such countries where industrialization had not yet reached.v Hence a race for bringing those areas under their effective occupation or effective influence started among the various industrialized As a consequence Britain France Germany Japan etc. set up their colonies in Asia Africa South America etc   vii These colonies served their two purposes of being the suppliers of cheap raw materials and an easy market for their finished goods.

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