Read the following extract and rewrite it from the point of view of Oliver.
[You may begin with : I had searched for Orlando everywhere ……..]
Oliver told them his story. He had searched for Orlando everywhere in the forest, he said, and at leas, tired and hungry, he had fallen asleep under a tree. On his way form Rosalind's cottage , Orlando had seen his brother lyping asleep . A big snake had curled round Olvine neck and was just going to bite him when it saw Orlando and slipped away into a bush. And then Orlando saw that a hungry lion was waiting under the same bush, ready to kill Oliver as soon as he woke up .
Orlando thought of all his brother 's unkindess to him in the past . Why should he risk his own life to save his brother who had always been cruel to him ? Twice he turned away to leave Oliver, but he had a kind and noble heart and at last decided that he could not leave his brother to die. So , he fought the lion. The fierce animal tore and bit his arm, but he managed to kill it. Oliver , wakened by the own life to save him. He was filled with shame at all his past unkindness to his young brother , and he begged Orlando took his brother to the Duke, who gave him food and clothers. Orlando said nothing about the would the lion had given him, but it had been bleeding all the time , and suddenly he fell to the ground and faintd from loss of blood .
One returing form Rosalind's cottage , Orlando saw a big snake curled around my neck , ready to bite me as I was sleeping under the tree . Orlando saved me ,but there was more to go, a lion was waiting to kill me .
At this point, Orlando thought of the cruelty shown to him by me in the past but as he was kind and noble , he could not leave me to become the lion ' prey.
The noise had awakened me and I was ashamed for my past behaviour towards Orlando. I begged Orlando to forgive me .
He took me to Duke who gave him food and clothes. Orlando's wound had been bleeding since then and the loss of blood caused him ot faint.
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(ii) पारजीनी टमाटर का उत्पादन कैसे किया जाता हैं ?
(iii) रामू के मित्र व्दारा किन मूल्यों का प्रदर्शन किया गया ?
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