Early in 1997-98, when he returned from state level inter-school sports, he had two prizes to his credit and a silver medal. He had won his laurels in athletic events and the silver medal in a running race.
When I saw the prizes and read the Citatation Chaitanya had received. I was stupefied. in total disbelief. then-hugged him, kissed him and cried unabashedly to my heart's content. That day. I cried for the first time out of joy and a sense of being vindicated Without practice he had competed with approximately 1,800 children drawn from various schools all over the state. He was subsequently selected for the marathon race. but he could not participate due to a health problem . "May be next year. he would", I assured myself. And I. as his proud mother. would proudly chronicle his future achievements and & sucess to inspire other mothers of the world.
Looking hack at my own life, I feel that it is the spirit with which we can accept our life gracefully is what matters ultimately, and it is love which nourishes us. All other things are unimportant. Chaitanya has made me look inwards. His handicap doesn't disturb me any longer. He and with I shall it and still be happy. The mental strength which he has given to me is inexhaustible.
One day, as both of us got onto a public transport bus, Chaitanya offered to buy the ticket for us.
"One full, one half" he said to the conductor
Looking at him, I wondered whether he was really only a half? An incomplete person? Was I really full? Complete in all respects? Why do them normal people feel that they are "full" and other like Chaitanya are "half" or incomplete? Chaitanya's world is complete in itself, pure and innocent while our lives are full of deceit, jealousies, ill feelings.
The extract deals with the writer's over Chaitanya's Chaitanya 's handicap.
Two sentences mentioning the theme of the passage are :
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Your father was my enemy,' said Frederick. I
would have been better pleased by your brave deed if
you had told me of another father?
I am proud to be Sir Rowland's son', answered
Orlando angrily, 'and I would not change my place to
be the heir of this dukedom.
The Duke and his lords went away, leaving Orlando
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her father for speaking so unkindly to Orlando.
Would I have done this in my father's place ?' She
said to Rosalind.
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soul', Rosalind said to Celia, 'and all the world
agreed with him. IfI had known that his young man
was Sir Rowland's son I should have begged him
with tears not to take so great a risk.
Let us go and speak to Orlando', said gentle Celia. I
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The two girls went up to Orlando and praised him for
his bravery. Rosalind took a gold chain from her neck
and gave it to him. I would like to give you more
she said, 'but I am not rich. Then she and Celia went
Orlando, however, could not forget them. He had
already fallen in love with the fair Rosalind, but he
could not stay at the Duke's palace. His friends
warned him that Frederick was angry and jealous of
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Match the characters and their attributes:
'A''B'(i)Celia(a)fair(ii)Orlando(b)rude and unkind(iii)Frederick(c)gentle(iv)Rosalind(d)brave
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View SolutionWrite a letter of application in response to the following advertisement with the help of the given C.V. (Resume) :
C.V. (Resume)
Name : Aruna Anil Shinde
Address : B1-104, Rose Parade, S.B. Road, Nagpur.
Educational Qualifications :
Other Qualifications : Successfully completed Computer Diploma from NIIT, Nagpur-2014
Work Experience : Worked as the Purchase Officer in Login Private Ltd., Nagpur.
Interest/Hobbies : Reading, music, swimming, chass.
Languages Known : English, Marathi, Hindi, Gujarati.
View SolutionRead the following extract and answer the questions
given below :
If you do not lowered in your eyes
While you raise yourself in those of others
If you do not given in to gossips and lies
Rather heed them not , saying , ' Who bothers ' ?
You may be the person I am looking for .
If you crave not for praise when you win
And look not sympathy while you lose
If cheers let not your head toss or spin
And after a set - back you offer no excuse .
You may be the person I am looking for .
What care should you take while raising yourself in
the eyes of others ?
View Solutionनिम्नलिखित पदार्थों में से प्रतिचुम्बकीय तथा अनुचुम्बकीय पदार्थों को चुनिए-ताँबा, सोडियम, प्लैटिनम तथा चाँदी |
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यश ने एक टेस्ट में 40 अंक अर्जिक किये, जब उसे प्रत्येक सही उत्तर पर 3 अंक मिले तथा अशुध्द उत्तर पर 1 अंक की कटौती की गई । यदि उसे सही उत्तर पर 4 अंक मिलते तथा अशुध्द उत्तर पर 2 अंक कटते , तो यश 50 अंक अर्जिक करता । टेस्ट में किनते प्रश्न थे ?
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View Solutionमैने 5 पेन , 7 पेंसिल और 4 रबड़ खरीदे । शालू ने 6 पेन , 8 रबड़ और 14 पेंसिल खरीदी जिसके लिये उसने , जो मैने भुगतान किया था , उससे आधा अधिक भुगतान किया । मैने पेन पर कुल का किनते % भुगतान किया ?
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View Solutionजब Zn2+ व Ag+ युक्त विलयन में धरा प्रवाही की जा सकती है तब कैथोड पर सिल्वर मुक्त होती है क्यों ?
View Solutionनिम्नलिखित कथनों पर विचार करें :
कथन I : यदि A और B प्रतिदर्श समष्टि S के संगत दो घटनाएँ ऐसा है कि P(A)=0.2 और P((B)=0⋅8 तो A⋃B एक सुनिश्चित घटना है |
कथन I : यदि A और B परस्पर अपवर्ती हों तो P(A)+P(B)=1 इन कथनो में :
View Solutionराजू और उसके पिताजी नदी में नाव से जा रहे थे | राजो के पिता जी ने घडी में प्रयुक्त सेल तथा सावन यंत्र नदी में फेक दिए| राजूने अपने पिता को ऐसा करने से रोका
रासायनिक विज्ञान के विधार्थी होने के नाते आप राजू के पिताजी को नदी में सेल नहीं फेकने को क्योँ कहेंगे |
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