Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Read the following extract convert it into a
dialogue ( in about 8 to 10 sentences):
You may begin with : ["Roma : Where you
during the war ?"]
We piled beck into Sid's car Roma and I sharing the
backseat . As Europeam Jews who had survived the
war, we were aware that much had been left
between us . She broached the subject. " Where were
you during the war" ? She asked softly.
'The camps', I said , the terrible memories still vivied,
the irreparble loss . I had tried to forget . But you can
never forget.
She nodded , " My family was hiding on a farm in
Germany , not from Berlin, " she told me , "My ltrgt father knew a priest, and he got us Aryan papers."
I imagined how she must have suffered too , fear, a
constant companion. And yet here we were both
survivors, in a new would.
" There was camp next to the farm , " Roma
continued " I saw boy there and I would throw him
apples every day . "
What an amazing coincidence that she had helped
some other boy ." What did he look like ? " I aksed ,
" He was tall , skinny and hungry. I must have seen
him every day for six months " .
My heart was racing . I couldn't believe it . This
couldn't be " Did he tell you one day not to come
back because to was leaving Schlieben ?"
Roma looked at me in amazement, " Yes !"
"That was me !"
I was ready to burst with joy and awe, flooded with
emotions. I couldn't believe I ! ' My angel .
"I' m not letting you go. "I said to Roma . And in the
back of the car on that blind date. I proposed to her . I
didn't want to wait .

Text Solution
Verified by Experts

Roma : " Where were you during that war !"
Narrator : 'The camps' I said , I tried to forget
those terribe memories , but I couldn't
Roma : Ye', its true I agree we were hiding
n a farm in Germany not for from
Berlin , my father knew a priest and
he got us Aryan papers.
Narrator : Yes , I can imagine how you must
have suffered , fear was one constant
companion [ smilles] . Best see the
miracle of God both of us had
survived to see a new would .
Roma : (Continued ) I still remember, there is
a camp next to the farm I saw a boy
there and would throw him apples every day.
Narrator : (Surprisingly) what an amazing
coincidenve. What does he look like ?
Roma : He was tall, skinny and hungry . I
remambered him vividly because I
had seen him for six month.
Narrator : (excitendly) Oh my God . I couln't
believe it . This couldn't be . Did he
tell you one day not to come back
because he was leaving Schileben !
Roma : (amazed) Yes ! How do you know this ?
Narrator : That was I ! I couln't believe it my angel.
(Narrator eyes flooded with tears and
heart ful of emotions)
I'm not letting you go will you marry me ?

Updated on:21/07/2023

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