Read the following extract and answer the questions given below :
Some people can just never wake up early. They munch their breakfast on the way to work. They have excuses ready when they reach office late. They miss trains on a regular basis.
They have never seen a sunrise or met the milkman. Until a loved one turned over a new leaf recently, she was one such late riser. Try as she might, she couldn't help pressing the snooze button a hundred times before she finaily got up. She felt terrible about this tendency but there was nothing she could do about. Come morning, she would just not be able to shrug off the desire to sleep a while more. Only when _divine intervention answered her prayers recently was she able to join the early birds' club.
Another relative has no plans of joining this league though. She is rather unabashed about waking up past noon on a daily basis. To be fair, her husband is a media personality who typically arrives home from work past midnight. That does indeed give them sufficient justifica- tion to stay longer in slumber-land each morning. This practice does lead to certain oddities though. He goes for his 'morning' walk at 1 p.m., heat waves and appalled onlookers notwithstanding. They once returned from a night out only to meet the neighbour's son who was off on an early morning jog
Early risers clearly have the edge in life. By the time most of us wake up, they've been through their morning rituals, enjoyed their walk, had their tea and read the daily news.
Why do some people wake up late
Some people wake up late because of their usual habit or sometimes due to the odd hours of work they have.
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Read the following extract and answer the questions given below :
But at home a different story is told,
How we treat our loved ones, young and old.
Later that day, cooking the evening meal,
My daughter stood beside me very still.
When I turned, I nearly knocked her down.
"Move out of the way," I said with a frown
She walked away, her little heart broken,
I didn't realize how harshly I'd spoken.
How did the narrator treat her daughter at home ?
View SolutionRead the following extract carefully and rewrite it from the Sid's point of view:
[You may begin with : Roma, Herman, my friend and I drove out ... ]
The four of us drove out to Coney Island. Roma was easy to talk to, easy to be with. Turned out she was wary of blind dates too ! We were both just doing our friends a favour. We took a stroll on the boardwalk, enjoying the salty Atlantic breeze, and then had dinner by the shore. I couldn't remember having a better time
We plied back into Sid's car, Roma and I sharing the · backseat. As European Jews who had survived the war, we were aware that much had been left unsaid between us. She broached the subject, "Where were you during the war ?" She asked softly.
'The camps', I said, the terrible memories still vivid, the irreparable loss. I had tried to forget. But you can never forget.
She nodded. "My family was hiding on a farm in Germany, not far from Berlin," she told me. "My father knew a priest and he got us Aryan papers." I imagined how she must have suffered too, fear, a constant companion. And yet here we were both survivours, in a new world.
"There was a camp next to the farm", Roma continued. "I saw a boy there and I would throw him apples everyday.
What an amazing coincidence that she had helped some other boy. "What did he look like ?" I asked. "He was tall, skinny, and hungry. I must have seen him everyday for six months."
My heart was racing. I couldn't believe it. This couldn't be. "Did he tell you one day not to come back because he was leaving Schlieben ?"
Roma looked at me in amazement. "Yes !"
"Than was me !
" I was ready to burst with joy and awe, flooded with emotions.
View Solution(A) Read the following extract and rewrite it from the point of view of the narrator's brothers Sam:
[You may begin as: 'On May 10, 1945, my brother Herman was scheduled On May 10, 1945, I was scheduled to die in the gas chamber at 10:00 a.m. In the quiet of dawn, I tried to prepare myself. So many times death seemed ready to claim me, but somehow I'd survived. Now, it was over.
I thought of my parents. At least, I thought, we will · be reunited.
But at 8 a.m. there was a commotion. I heard shouts, and saw people running every way through camp. I caught up with my brothers.
Russian troops had liberated the camp ! The gates swung open. Everyone was running, so I did too. Amazingly, all of my brothers had survived, I'm not sure how. But I knew that the girl with the apple been the key to my survival. In a place where evil seemed triumphant, one person's goodness had saved my life, had given me hope in a place where there : was none.
My mother had promised to send me an angel, and the angel had come. Eventually I made my way to England where I was sponsored by a Jewish charity, put up in a hostel with other boys who had survived the Holocaust and I trained in electronics. Then I came to America, where my brother Sam had already moved. I served in the '. U.S. Army during the Korean War, and returned to New York city after two years. By August 1957, I'd , opened my own electronics repair shop. I was starting to settle in.
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View Solutionक्लोरोफ्लोरोकार्बन या फ्रेऑन क्या है? इसका पर्यावरण पर क्या प्रभाव पड़ता है?
View Solutiond-ब्लॉक तत्व किन तत्वों को कहते हैं? ये आवर्त सारणी में किस वर्ग में स्थित हैं? इनके प्रमुख लक्षण बताइए।
View Solutionनिम्न का कारण स्पष्ट कीजिए - (क) जलोद्भिद में वायु अवकाश अत्यधिक विकसित होते है ,(ख) मध्योद्भिद पौधों को नमक के जल में रखने पर वे मर जाते है |
View Solutionकिन्ही दो संयोजक कड़ी वाले जन्तुओ के नाम तथा वे किस संघ से संबंधित कड़ी है, बताइए!
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View Solutionएक राजमार्ग पर दो बिन्दु A और B एक दूसरे से 90 किमी की दूरी पर है। एक कार A से तथा दूसरी कार B से एक साथ चलती हैं। यदि वे एक दिशा में चलती हैं, तो वे 9 घण्टे बाद मिलती हैं और वे विपरीत दिशा में चलती हैं, तो 97 घण्टे बाद मिलती है। उनकी चाल ज्ञात कीजिए।
View Solutionश्री मोहित ने एक निश्चित दूरी के लिए ट्रेडमिल पर चलने का फैसला किया है। पहले दिन, वह एक निश्चित गति से चलता है। अगले दिन, वह ट्रेडमिल की गति को 1 किमी/घंटा बढ़ाता है, वह 6 मिनट कम लेता है और यदि वह गति को 1 किमी/घंटा कम करता है, तो वह 9 मिनट अधिक लेता है। उसने प्रतिदिन कितनी दूरी चलने का निश्चय किया?
View Solutionसमस्याओ में रेखिक समीकरणों के युग्म बनाइए और उनके हल (यदि उनका अस्तित्व हो ) विलोपन विधि से ज्ञात कीजिए :
किराए पर पुस्तके देने वाले किसी पुस्तकालय का प्रथम तीन दिनों का एक नियम किराया है तथा उसके बाद प्रत्येक अतिरिक्त दिन का अलग किराया है । सरिता ने सात दिनों तक एक पुस्तक रखने के लिए 27 अदा किए जबकि सुसी ने एक पुस्तक पाँच दिनों तक रखने के 21 ऐडा किए । नियत किराया तथा प्रत्येक अतिरिक्त दिन का किराया ज्ञात कीजिए ।
View Solutionसमस्याओ में रैखिक समीकरणो के युग्म बनाइए और अनके हल ( यदि उनका अस्तित्व हो ) किसी बीजगणितीय विधि से ज्ञात कीजिए :
एक छात्रावास के मासिक व्यय का एक भाग नियत है तथा शेष इस पर निर्भर करता है कि छात्र ने कितने दिन भोजन लिया है। जब एक विद्यार्थी A को, जो 20 दिन भोजन करता है, 1000 छात्रावास के व्यय के लिए अदा करने पड़ते हैं, जबकि एक विद्यार्थी बी को, जो 26 दिन भोजन करता है छात्रावास के व्यय के लिए 1180 अदा करने पड़ते हैं। नियत व्यय और प्रतिदिन के भोजन का मूल्य ज्ञात कीजिए।
View Solutionसमस्याओ में रैखिक समीकरणो के युग्म बनाइए और अनके हल ( यदि उनका अस्तित्व हो ) किसी बीजगणितीय विधि से ज्ञात कीजिए :
यश ने एक टेस्ट में 40 अंक अर्जिक किये, जब उसे प्रत्येक सही उत्तर पर 3 अंक मिले तथा अशुध्द उत्तर पर 1 अंक की कटौती की गई । यदि उसे सही उत्तर पर 4 अंक मिलते तथा अशुध्द उत्तर पर 2 अंक कटते , तो यश 50 अंक अर्जिक करता । टेस्ट में किनते प्रश्न थे ?
View Solutionएक थैले में 4 सफेद और 3 काली गेंदें हैं। यदि ये एक-एक करके निकाली जाएँ तो पहली गेंद के सफेद, दूसरी के काली, तीसरी के सफेद, चौथी के काली, पाँचवीं के सफेद, छठवीं के काली और सातवी के सफेद होने की मिश्र प्रायिकता ज्ञात करो।
View Solutionएक न्याय्य सिक्के की दो उछालों पर प्राप्त शीर्षों की संख्या का माध्य और प्रसरण ज्ञात करें |
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