My father told the tenants to leave Who lived in the houses surrounding our house on the hill One by one the structures were demolished Only our own house remained and the trees Trees are sacred my grandmother used to say Felling them is a crime , but he massacred them all The sheoga , the oudumber ,the neem were all cut down But the huge banyan tree stood like a problem Whose roots lay deeper than all our lives My father ordered it to be removed.
Name and explain the figure of speech in the following line : But the huge banyan tree stood like a problem ."
(iii) The figure of speech used here is a simile ,as the huge banyan tree is being compared to a big problem , making the description more vivid.
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In just a few years, 2020 will be upon us. By then, our cities will be either areas of more chaos or meaning- fully planned. The choice is ours We are at a crucial juncture as far as urbanism goes. The need to work vigorously on our cities and improve them is urgent and critical. Their populations have surged tremendously in the last few decades. Delhi's population increased from 12·8 m in 2001 to 16·3 m in 2011 . Bangalore grew from 5·7 m to 8·5 m during the same period.
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View Solutionआप किस आधार पर यह कह सकते हैं की स्केंडियम (Sc = 21) एक संक्रमण तत्व है परन्तु (Zn = 30) नहीं ।
View Solutionनिएन्डरथल मानव की तुलना क्रोमैगनान मानव से कीजिए तथा वर्तमान मानव से कीजिए तथा वर्तमान मानव के निकटवर्ती पूरवजी जिनसे उनका विकास हुआ है, के नाम लिखिए!
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