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How do you think that Qandahar remained a bone of contention between the Mughals and the Safavids ? Explain

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There was a constant effort by the Mughal policy to ward off this potential danger by controlling strategic outposts notably Kabul and Qandhar. Qandahar was a bone of contention between the Safavids and the Mughals. All conquerors who sought to make their way into the Indian subcontinent had to cross the Hindukush to have accessya north India. The fortress town had initially been in possession of Humayun, reconquered in 1595 by Akbar. While the Safavid Court retained diplomatic relations with the Mughals, it continued to stake claims to Qandhar. In 1613, Jahangir sent a diplomatic envoy to the court of Shah Abbas to plead the Mughal case for retaining Qandhar but the mission failed. In the winter of 1622 a Persian army besieged Qandhar. The ill-prepared Mughal garrison was defeated and had to surrender the fortress and the city to the Safavids.
