Critically examine 'the Fifth Report' of late Eighteenth century.

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(i) The fifth report was submitted to British Parliament in 1813 about administration activities of "East India Company"
(ii) There were many groups in Britain who were opposed to the manopoly of trade that "East Indiz Company" had with India and China. These groups wanted revocation against this rule for lifting monopoly.
(iii) It ran into 1002 pages, of which over 800 pages were appendices that reproduced petitions of zamindats and ryots, reports of collectors from different districts.
(iv) It carned statistical tables on revenue returns and notes on thc revenuc and judicial administration of Bengal and Madras.
(v) Information about company misrule and maladministration was hotly debated in Britain and incidence of the greed and corruption of company officials was widely publicised in the press The British parliament passed a series of acts in late 18th century to regulate the control of company rule in India and appointed committees to enquire into the affair of the company. The fifth rcport was one sucl report produced by a select committee.

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