Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow:
Ordinary life in extraordinary times
What happened in cities during the, months of Revolt ?How did people live, through those months of tumult ? How was normal life affected ? Reports from different cities tell us about the breakdown in rontine activities. Read these reports from the Delhi Urdu Akhbar, 14 June, 1857:
The same thing is truc far vegetables and saag (spinach). People have been found to complain that even kaddu (pumpkin)and baingan (brijal) cannot be four d in the bazars. Potatoes and arvi (yam) when available are of stale and rotten variety, stored from befere by fassighted kuajeas fuegetable-grewere)- From the gardens inside the city does re ach a few places but the poor and the middle class can only liek their lips-and wetch them (as they are ear marked for the select)
...There is something that else needs attention which is causing a lot of damage that the water-carriers have stopped filling water.
Poor Shurfas (gentility) are seen carrying water in On their shoulders and only then the necessary to the people which is pails housel old tasks such as cooking, etc. can take placc
The haalkhors (righteous) have become haramkhors (corrupt), many mohallas have not been able to earn for several days and if this situation continues then decay, death and disease will combine together to spoil the city's air and an over the city and even to areas epidemic will spread all adjacent and around.
Explain what happened in Delhi city during the months of the 1857 Revolt?
Delhi was the main center of revolt of 1857. Bahadur Shah Jafas was deelared as emperor of India and there was a lot of political action in delhi during the revolt. Thus the routine life of people was disturbed during this war time.
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04:55View Solutionरामू एक सब्जी उत्पादर हैं । वह अपने उपजाऊ भूमि में टमाटर लगाकर उच्च पैदावर प्राप्त करता हैं । लेकिन उसके खेत से मण्डी की दूरी अधिक थी तथा परिवहन के साधन भी उपलब्ध नहीं थे , जिसके परिमाणस्वरुप विलंब के कारण टमाटर सड़ जाते थे तथा बाजार में मूल्य नही मिलते थे ।
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