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Explain the three key principles of social stratisfication with examples.

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The three key principles of social stratisfcation:
1. Social stratification leads to incquality of wealth and resources : Social stratification is a feature of society and not simply a function of individual difference. Social stratification is a system which is responsible for unequal distribution of resouce among different categories of people. For example, in the technologically advanced countries there surplus production above the basic needs It leads to unequal distribution of resources irrespective of persons inner abilities.
2. Social stratification persists over generations: It is closely related with inhentance of social resources over generations. Morevoer, the social position is ascribed i.e., children get the social position of their parents. Similarly, occupational opportunities are ascribed. Hence, the children of a 'dalit' praticing worst menial job has little chances of taking up a white collar job. This ascribed feature of social inequality is further reinforccd by cndogamy, where a person has Little chance of marrying outside the caste.
3. Social stratification is supported by patterns of belief or ideology : Any system of social stratification is not likely to persist over generations, unless it is considered to be fair or inevitable. For example, the caste system is justified on the basis of the concept of purity and pollution, in which the Brahmins occupy the most superior position and Dalits, the most inferior position by virtue of the occupation and birth.
