Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

"The institution of caste is both visible and invisible in many respects." Justify the statement with suitable examples.

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Caste system refers to a social stratification in which different castes are placed on the horizontal ladde of social status. Traditionally the twice born castes such as Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaisya enjoyed the privil ges and Sudras were considered as the down trodden section. Though the social reforms have played an important role in eradicating caste system and untouchability, it is still prevalent in our society. The a fuent and dominant group generally belong to higher strata and the deprived and exploited sesticns are the lower caste. Though reservation polit in spheres has tried to eliminate this difference by providing educationa and employment opportunities to them, yet this difference exists due to reservation policy. As a certain section of the society is demarcated as downtrodden and deprived, hence, caste system exists in our society in visible and invisible forms
