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Enlist any two floral adaptations in Salvia.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Identify the Question: The question asks for two floral adaptations found in Salvia.

2. Floral Adaptation 1 - Lever Mechanism: One of the key floral adaptations in Salvia is the "lever mechanism." This adaptation allows pollinators to probe the flower for nectar, which causes the stamens to move and deposit pollen onto the pollinator. This mechanism enhances pollination efficiency.

3. Floral Adaptation 2 - Bisexual Pro-tandress Flowers: The second adaptation is that Salvia flowers are bisexual and pro-tandress. This means that each flower contains both male (anthers) and female (carpels) reproductive structures, but the anthers mature before the carpels. This timing helps to reduce self-pollination and encourages cross-pollination.

4. Conclusion: Therefore, the two floral adaptations in Salvia are the lever mechanism and bisexual pro-tandress flowers.

