Ethyl alcohol.
Text Solution
(1) Ethyl alcohol is used as solvent for dyes, oils perfuomes, consmetics and drugs.
(2) A mixture of 10-20% ethyl alcohol with petrol is used as motor fuel.
(3) A mixture of ethyl alcohol and calcium acetate in gel form is used as solied fuel.
It is widely used in beverages.
(5) Since ethyl alcohol has law freezing point it is used in thermometer.
(6) It is an effective trpical antiseptic therefore it is used in many mouth washes.
(7) It kills micro-organisms on wound surface and in the mouth but its low toxicity does not kills the cells of the skin or mouth tissues.
(8) It is used in the preparation of chloroform, iododrom, acetic acid and ethers.
(9) It is used as fuel.