2310Ne नाभिक के β- क्षय के बाद 2311Na में रूपांतरित होता है | उत्सर्जित इलेक्ट्रॉनों की अधिकतम गतिज ऊर्जा की गणना कीजिए | यह मान लीजिए की संतति नाभिक और एंटीन्यूट्रिनों की गतिज ऊर्जा नगण्य है |
2310Na का द्रव्यमान = 22.994466 u.
2311Na का द्रव्यमान = 22.989770 u
1u=931.5 MeV/c2.
The correct Answer is:4.37 MeV
=0.004696 u,m(e−) का मान नगण्य होता है |
∴ Emax=Δ M.c2
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View SolutionThe nucleus .^(23)Ne deacays by beta -emission into the nucleus .^(23)Na . Write down the beta -decay equation and determine the maximum kinetic energy of the electrons emitted. Given, (m(._(11)^(23)Ne) =22.994466 am u and m (._(11)^(23)Na =22.989770 am u . Ignore the mass of antineuttino (bar(v)) .
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View SolutionThe nucleus ""_(10)^(23)Ne decays by beta^(-) – mission. Write down the beta -decay equation and determine the maximum kinetic energy of the electrons emitted. Given that: m (""_(10)^(23)Ne ) = 22.994466 u m (""_(11)^(23)Na ) = 22.989770 u.
View SolutionThe nucleus ""_(10)^(23)Ne decays by beta^(-) – mission. Write down the beta -decay equation and determine the maximum kinetic energy of the electrons emitted. Given that: m (""_(10)^(23)Ne ) = 22.994466 u m (""_(11)^(23)Na ) = 22.989770 u.
View SolutionThe nucleus .^(23)Ne deacays by beta -emission into the nucleus .^(23)Na . Write down the beta -decay equation and determine the maximum kinetic energy of the electrons emitted. Given, (m(._(11)^(23)Ne) =22.994466 am u and m (._(11)^(23)Na =22.989770 am u . Ignore the mass of antineuttino (bar(v)) .
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View SolutionThe nucleus ""_(10)^(23)Ne decays by beta -emission. Write down the beta -decay equation and determine the maximum kinetic energy of the electrons emitted. Given that, m(""_(10)^(23)Ne) = 22.994466 u , m(""_(11)^(23)Na) =22.989770 u.
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