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Write a short note on Debroglie's explanation of Bohr's second postulate of quantization.

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Debroglie's explanation of Bohr's second postulate ol quantization :
1) The second postulate of Bohr atom model says that angular momentum of electron orbiting around the nucleus is quantized i.e., m v r = n h 2 π where n = 1 , 2 , 3 ,
2) According to Debroglie, the electron in its circular orbit, as proposed by Bohr, must be seen as a particle wave.
3) When a string fixed at two ends is plucked, a large number of 'wavelengths are excited and standing wave is formed.
4) It means that in a string, standing waves form when total distance travelled by a wave down the string and back is an integral number of wavelengths.
5) According to Debroglie, a stationary orbit is that which contains an integral number of Debrogile waves associated with the revolving electron.
6) For an electron revolving in n t h circular orbit of radius r n , total distance covered = circumference of the orbit = 2 π r n
For permissible orbit, 2 π r n = n λ
7) According to Debrogile, λ = h m v n
Where v n is speed of electron revolving in n t h orbit
2 π r n = n h m v n
m v n r n = n h 2 π = n ( h 2 π )
i.e., angular momentum of electron revolving in n t h orbit must be an intergal multiple of h 2 π , which is the quantum condition proposed by Bohr in second postulate.
