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Explain the following question (based on size of atoms or ions and other periodic properties):
a. Arrange the following species in decreasing order of their sizes//ionic radii.
i. Ar,K,Clɵ,S2 and Ca2+
ii. Al3+,Mg2+,Na,Clɵ,N3 and O2
b. What are isoelectronic species? Name the species which are isoelectronic with each of the following atom or ions.
i. Rb ii. Fɵ, iii. Mg2+ iv. Ar
c. Arrange the following species/atoms in decreasing order of reducing character.
i. Na,Mg and Al ii. Mg,Ca and Sr
iii. Na,K and Rb iv. Fɵ,Clɵ,Brɵ and Iɵ
d. The decreasing order of reactivety of group 1 elements is Cs>Rb>K>Na>Li whereas that of group 17 elements is (Cl>F>Br>I). Explain.
e. Predict the formula of the stable binary compounds that would be formed by the combination of the following pairs of elements:
i. Mg and N
ii. Si and O
iii. Elements with Z=71 and F
iv. P and F
v. Al and I
vi. Li and O
f. Ansewer the following by the use of periodic table.
i. Identify the element that would tend to gain two electrons.
ii. Identify the group having metal, non-metal, liquid as well as gas at the room temperature,
iii. Identify the element with five electrons in the outer shell.
iv. Identify the element that would tend to lose two elctrons.

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All of them are isoelectronic species, with 18 electronic.
Size of more negative ion > size of inert gas > size of less positive > size of more positive ion.
ii. N3>O2>Fɵ>Na>Mg2+>Al3+
(All of them are isoelectronic species with 10 electrons)
b. Isoelectronic species have same number of electrons.
i. Rb(Z=37,No.of e's=371=36) is isoelectronic with Sr2+(Z=38,No.ofe's382=36)
ii. Fɵ(Z=9,No.ofe's=9+1=10) is isoelectronic with Ne(Z=10)
iii. Mg2+(Z=12,No. ofe's=122=10) is isoelectronic with Na(Z=11,ofe's111=10) and with Ne(Z=10).
iv. Ar(Z=18), is isoelectronic with Ca2+(Z=20,No.ofe's=202=18).
c. Elements with low IE and large size give have more tendency to undergo oxidation and thus acts as stronger reducing agent.
i. Na(group1)>Mg(group2)>Al(group13elements). (IE increase along the period (). All of them belong to the 3rd period].
ii. Sr>Ca>Mg [All of them belong to group 2 and IE decreases down the group ()].
iii. Rb>K>Na[Group 1 elements. IE decreasaes down group ().]
iv. Iɵ>Brɵ>Clɵ>Fɵ [Group 17, size increases and IE decreases down the group ()]
(d) The reactivity of group 1 element is the tendency to lose electrons easily, i.e., to undergo oxidation easily. Low IE and large size of group 1 elements, so more reactive is the element. Hence reactivity order of group 1 elements is
Cs>Rb>K>Na>Li [IE decreases down the group ()]
The reactivity of group 17 elements is the tendency to accept electrons easily, i.e, to undergo reduction easily. High is the negative EA or ΔegHɵ of group 17 elements so more reactive is that element (or magnitude of EA or ΔegHɵ decreases down the group except in case of F and Cl).
Therefore, reactivity order of group 17 elements is
(e) i. Mg2+ and N3 give Mg3N2 (Magnesium nitride)
ii. Si4+ and O2 give Si2O4SiO2 (Silicon dioxide)
iii. Elements with Z=71 is lutetium (Lu) and general oxidation states (OS) of lanthanides and actinides is +3.
So Lu3+ and Fɵ give LuF3 (Lutetium trithoride)
iv. P5+ and Fɵ give PF5 (Phosphorous pentafluoride)
v. Al3+ and Iɵ give AII3 (Aluminium triiodide)
vi. Li and O2 give Li2O (Lithium monoxide)
(f) i. Only oxygen atom in group 16 has OS of 2 (except in case of peroxides and OF2).
The other element of group 16 (e.g., S,Se,Te,Po), besides 2OS, they also show +2,+4 and +6OS.
So, oxygen tends to gain two electrons to attain noble gas stable configuration.
ii. Group 17 elements Metal is At (Astatine), non-metal is Cl (Chlorine), liquid is Br2 (Bromine) and gas is F2 and Cl2.
iii. Group 15 elements. The valence electronic configuration of N is 2s22p3.
iv. Group 2 elements, e.g., MgMg2+(g)+2e

Updated on:21/07/2023

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