What are the uses of silver nitrate in everyday life?
Text Solution
Silver nitrate is used m the following things :
1.As an antiseptic for pain relief.
2.For the removal of small quantities of unwanted tissues such as warts.
3.By dentists , in order to heal mouth ulcer.
4.In electroplating
5.In the manufacturing of mirrors.
6.In the preparation of dyes and also used in photography.
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Knowledge Check
Silver nitrate is prepared by
AThe action of only conc. HNO3 on silverBHeating silver oxide with NO2CThe action of hot dil. HNO3 on silverDDissolve Ag in aqua-regiaSilver nitrate on heating gives
AAgOandNO2BAgO,NOandO2CAgandNO2DAg,NO2andO2Silver nitrate is mainly used
AIn photographyBIn model formationCAs reducing agentDAs dehydrating agent