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How does eye view different colours ? What is colour blindness ?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Light Entry: The process begins when light enters the eye. This light is essential for vision as it carries information about colors.

2. Role of the Eye Lens: The light that enters the eye is focused by the eye lens. The lens helps to direct the light towards the back of the eye.

3. Formation of Image on Retina: The focused light creates an image on a sensitive layer at the back of the eye called the retina. The retina acts like a screen where the image is formed.

4. Structure of the Retina: The retina is composed of light-sensitive cells that detect light and color. There are two main types of these cells: cone cells and rod cells.

5. Function of Cone Cells: Cone cells are responsible for detecting colors. They allow us to perceive different colors by responding to various wavelengths of light.

6. Function of Rod Cells: Rod cells, on the other hand, are responsible for detecting brightness and are more sensitive in low light conditions. They do not contribute to color vision.

7. Conclusion on Color Perception: We see different colors because of the activity of cone cells in the retina. These cells respond to different wavelengths of light corresponding to different colors.

8. Understanding Color Blindness: Color blindness occurs when there is a deficiency or malfunction in the cone cells. This can happen if there are fewer cone cells than normal, if they are defective, or if they are absent altogether.

9. Impact of Color Blindness: Due to the issues with cone cells, individuals with color blindness have difficulty identifying and distinguishing between different colors.
